I day - 21 February (Thursday)

13:30-13:40Welcome addresses:
Prof. Katarzyna Chałasińska-Macukow - Rector of the University of Warsaw [doc]
13:40-14:00Introduction of MATHEON - Prof. Martin Groetschel (Chair of the DFG Research Center MATHEON, Secretary of the International Mathematical Union) and Katja Biermann (MATHEON) [ppt]
14:00-14:20Introduction of ICM - Prof. Marek Niezgódka (Director of the ICM UW) [ppt]

Keynote lectures and discussion

14:20-14:50Prof. Michał Kleiber - President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, member of the European Research Council
Mathematics for innovative technology development [ppt] [movies]
14:50-15:35Prof. Willi Jaeger - IWR, University of Heidelberg
Mathematics in industry - strategies to improve the transfer
15:35-16:00Coffee break
16:00-16:45Prof. Peter Deuflhard - MATHEON, President of Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)
Computational Life Sciences at MATHEON [pdf]
16:45-17:30Prof. Alexander Mielke - MATHEON, WIAS Berlin
Modeling for multifunctional materials: how to describe evolving microstructures in solids [pdf]
17:30-17:50Coffee break
17:50-18:20Prof. Hans Georg Bock - IWR, University of Heidelberg
"Let us assume the cow is radially symmetric" - challenges that engineering problems provide for mathematical research [pdf]
18:20-19:30Prof. Stanisław Janeczko - Institute of Mathematics PAS
Mathematics for understanding
20:00Get-together reception

II day - 22 February (Friday)

Applications of mathematics - success stories

9:00-9:10Introduction - Prof. Marek Niezgódka, Prof. Martin Groetschel

Presentations and discussion

9:10-9:35Life Sciences: MATHEON (Tim Conrad, FU Berlin)
Proteomic fingerprinting: an example for information-based medicine [ppt]
9:35-10:00Biotechnology: Uppsala University/ICM (Jan Komorowski)
A computational model of the HIV-1 protease resistance to drugs
10:00-10:25IWR, University of Heidelberg/ICM (Anna Marciniak-Czochra/Zuzanna Szymańska)
Multiscale mathematical modelling of cell systems [pdf1] [pdf2]
10:25-10:50Molecular modelling and bioinformatics: ICM (Maciej Długosz/Krzysztof Ginalski/Paweł Grochowski/Dariusz Plewczyński/Joanna Trylska)
Mathematical modelling of biomolecules. Current research topics at ICM [ppt] [movie1] [movie2]
10:50-11:10Coffee break
11:10-11:35Logistics, Traffic and Telecommunication Networks: MATHEON (Guido Schaefer, TU Berlin)
Truthful mechanisms for scheduling problems [pdf]
11:35-12:00Production: MATHEON (Margarita Naldzhieva, WIAS Berlin)
Analysis and applications of the Becker-Doering Model [ppt]
12:00-12:25Circuits simulation and optoelectronic devices: MATHEON (Achim Schaedle, ZIB)
Design of nano-photonic devices [pdf]
12:25-12:50Materials Sciences: ICM (Maria Gokieli)
Grains, interfaces, nanomaterials and how to model them [pdf]
ICM (Wojciech Grochala)
Between "Zero" and "Infinity". The 2007 Profile of the Laboratory of Technology of Novel Functional Materials [pdf]
13:30-13:55Finance: MATHEON (Stefan Ankirchner, HU Berlin)
Hedging of weather risk [pdf]
13:55-14:20Decision sciences: Systems Research Institute PAS (Krzysztof Kiwiel)
Inexact bundle methods for convex optimization with applications to flows on traffic and telecommunication networks [pdf]
14:20-14:45Visualisation: MATHEON (Konrad Polthier, FU Berlin)
Discrete geometry for virtual worlds
14:45-15:10Biomedical applications and visualisation: ICM (K.Nowiński)
Visual data analysis - chance and challenge for mathematicians [ppt]
15:10-15:20Presentation of the Berlin Mathematical School (Mariusz Szmerlo, BMS Buero) [pdf]
15:20-15:35Final remarks, summarizing discussion - closing of the conference